

Pastor’s David A. Garcia and Nellie Garcia

David A. Garcia served as Lead Pastor of one of Central Florida’s most exciting churches, Grace World Outreach Church for 30 years, in Brooksville Florida since 1988.  Under his leadership a new sanctuary, The Grace Dome, was recently built on the existing campus.  This 2300 plus seat, 3.8 million dollar facility was completed in 2.5 years totally debt free!

Brother Garcia has been blessed with a unique insight into God’s word and an exceptional “preach-teach” style of presenting it.  He possesses a prophetic gifting that speaks directly to the heart of the listener.  His anointing flows in evangelism with “signs and wonders” confirming the Word.

David’s Ministry is “Ministries 128” based on Colossians 1:28, “Him we preach, warning every man and teaching every man in all wisdom, that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus.” Together with his wife Nellie, they are encouragers to Lead Pastors, especially our Pastor’s wives.

Pastor Nellie Garcia oversaw the Women’s Ministry and all areas of intercession at Grace World Outreach Church.  Pastor Nellie is called to motivate, encourage and impart the word of God into God’s People.  She has been credentialed since 1987.  Her strongest gifting is in the area of intercession and preaching.

Pastor David’s preaching CD’s have been the source of salvation and great inspiration to many around the world including missionaries and ministers in foreign countries.  Brother and Sister Garcia were missionaries in New York City and Zimbabwe, Africa. 

Pastor Garcia provides apostolic consultation to several church leaders in the USA.

Pastor Garcia’s ministry offers a wealth of Biblical and practical ideas.  His versatile ministry includes youth camps, single’s retreats and seminars, Christian education workshops, marriage enrichment conferences as well as overseas pastor’s seminars and evangelistic crusades.  Pastor David has also authored four books: The Gospel of The Kingdom of God, Portrait of a Powerful Last-Day Christian, Redefining Sex in Dating and Don’t Awaken Love Before the Time.

Pastors David and Nellie have been married over 47 years and have two happily married children who are both pastoring in full time ministry and four wonderful grandchildren.