"Take Stock In Children"

It's always been Joe and Donna's heart to give back to the community in appreciation of their customer's loyal patronage, so each year they use their Annual Pasta-Fest Anniversary Celebration to do just that.  In effort not only to give back, but to build up our community for all, each Anniversary Celebration is used to raise funds for a local non-profit organization that supplies much needed help to the local residents in one form or another. 

This year Papa Joe's is teaming up with Pasco-Hernando State College to raise funds for Hernando County "Take Stock In Children".  This is a non-profit organization in Florida that provides a unique opportunity for deserving low-income youth/students to help them break the cycle of poverty through better education.  "Take Stock In Children" offers students college scholarships, caring volunteer mentors, and hope for a better life.  The organization is based on the principle that given extensive support, motivation, and accountability, children will work hard to ensure that they graduate from high school and attain a college degree.  Their comprehensive services start in middle school, continue through high school and include their transition into college.  The college scholarships and student services are funded through a unique public-private fund raising model and the generous volunteering of our mentors who give their time and mentoring services to the children.

Take Stock In Children's multi-year commitment to at-risk children is an investment not only in the child, but also in the community in which he or she lives.  Through the education of a child, the program breaks the cycle of poverty that plagues our communities and adds value to the community through the contributions and services these better established, well-educated young adults will provide as they finish their schooling.  Their goal is "to continue to reduce the number of high school drop-outs and to increase the number of students who finish college and enter the workforce successfully."  Take Stock In Children has served over 22,000 children throughout 67 counties here in Florida and will continue to do so through our support.  Please consider helping out by being a volunteer, mentor, or donating to this worthy organization.  Come join the fun as we celebrate Papa Joe's 35th Anniversary, enjoy some great food, and participate in purchasing tickets for some AMAZING Door Prizes as we help to support Hernando County Take Stock In Children.